GROOMING RELEASE FORM -Every new client is required to read and agreed to the following. No ear hair plucking without veterinarian consent. Anal gland expression is complete with client full consent. We do not provide excessive de-matting services. We do not provide medical shave downs. We are not responsible for any allergic reaction from the product provided by client, like shampoo, conditioner, sprays, or creams. We park at our discretion as close as we can legally park to your building. When your stylist messages you that they are on the way, at that time please head outside to walk your pup so we can start our session promptly. All contact information for care takers, nannies, housekeepers, dog walkers, dog nannies must be shared if you are not present for your appointment, prior to your groomer’s arrival. Your pet is very important to us. The Mobile Pet Grooming Co “MePetCO” would like to assure you that every effort will be made to make your pet’s grooming experience as safe and pleasant one. Safety comes first for pets as well as people during the grooming process.

SANITIZING: Our standards have always been to clean/sanitize all surfaces and tools before and after each session. For liability reasons, No humans’ clients are allowed in our workspace while the stylist is at work. However, we are happy to showcase the products we use, and welcome client to inspect the salon/van before the grooming process begins. All leashes and collars are sanitized. We make it a priority to communicate our arrival windows and keep our client’s time constraints in mind. if there is ever a time conflict let us know and we will do our best to work around your windows of availability. VACCINATIONS: Any new puppy clients being serviced in our salon must be up to date on all puppy vaccinations. Adult/senior dogs must be current on Rabies vaccination. AGGRESSIVE OR DANGEROUS PETS: MePetCO has the right to refuse any service at any time. In the event that your pet is too stressed or becomes dangerous to groom, MePetCO has the right to stop grooming services or cancel grooming services at any time before, during, or after grooming. Client would only be charged a grooming fee for what was done up until that point.

CANCELLATIONS AND NO SHOWS: Your pet’s appointment is very important to us. The time allocated for your pet’s appointment is reserved especially for you. We do understand that sometimes schedule adjustments are necessary. Therefore, we respectfully request at least 24 hours’ notice for adjustments to your appointments and for cancellations. PAYMENT: Payment is due at time services are completed unless other arrangements have been discussed.

Forms of payment: We accept Cash, ZELLE, Venmo, CashApp and credit cards payment. SATISFACTION: Your satisfaction is important to us. If you are unhappy for any reason and would like something adjusted, we will be happy to make any adjustments at the end of the groom. Please let us know immediately if you would like any adjustments made to your pet’s groom. After the day of the appointment, any return visit for adjustment would be treated as a new appointment.

PHOTOGRAPHS: MePetCO has the right to take photos of your pet for our client records or for the company website/social media pages. All photos taken are the property of MePetCO but can be shared with you at your request. We will be happy to remove any photos (at our discretion) from our website/social media pages if you are displeased with the photos for any reason. We strive to only show your pet looking their best. Caring for your pet is a responsibility that MePetCO takes very seriously! We want your pet’s experience to be as pleasant and as enjoyable as possible. It is important to understand that some pets respond to grooming differently even with our best efforts, so we will make every effort to make your pet’s experience a positive one. If ill or injured, MePetCO has permission to call or take pet to veterinarian of our choice if the pet’s normal vet is unavailable. Vet expenses will be the responsibility of the owner, unless the injury is a direct result of negligence by MePetCO while the pet was in our care.

MePetCO will not be held responsible for any sickness, injury or death caused by the pet to itself during its grooming session from pre-existing health conditions, natural disasters, or any illness a pet acquires due to missing or expired vaccines. MePetCO will not be held responsible for clipper burn, minor nicks or cuts, or irritation resulting from grooming of matted, neglected coats, or mild to severe skin allergies (including ears).

In the event that your pet displays any aggressive behavior, the groomer reserves the right to use a muzzle or an Elizabethan collar to protect themselves from injury. MePetCO should be notified of any claims by owner regarding compensation for veterinary care given as a result of alleged negligence on our part within 48 hours of the grooming appointment. In the event we dispute the claim, MePetCO will personally consult the veterinarian prior to any settlement. MePetCO reserves the right to charge additional fees for services we consider over and above the norm, including but not limited to: severe aggression, bad coat condition, excessive parasite infestations, owner neglect.

By accepting our grooming service, you are agreeing that you have reviewed this Service Contract for accuracy, and that you understand the contents of this contract. You affirm that you are the rightful legal owner of the pet(s) for which services are being rendered. You authorize this contract to be valid approval for future grooming services, permitting MePetCO to accept telephone and/or email reservations for service without additional signed contracts or written authorization.


MATTED DOG RELEASE FORM (If applicable) *Matted coats can cause a variety of skin and health problems. Matted fur does not allow for air circulation to the skin causing hot spots, bacterial and fungal infections. Fleas, tickets, maggots, and other parasites may be lurking in the coat causing further skin infections. Matted fur also pulls and binds, causing pain to your pet when they move or lay on mats. The skin underneath is usually raw and inflamed. Matted coats will not dry properly and can lead to rotting fur and skin. *In the event of matting, your pet’s hair may need to be shaved extremely short to the skin and may show signs of skin irritation and sores due to the matting, wet undercoat, and dirty undercoat. In order to take care of a pet that has not been groomed often enough, and is matted, the required grooming session may be long, stressful, and/or painful. *It is the goal of our salon and our groomers to make your pet’s grooming experience as stress free as possible. *If we have determined that the only humane way to do this is to shave the dog’s coat down (Due to the condition of your dog’s coat). This is a short clip, removing all the matting. Where feasible, we work to de-mat/brush out the dog’s coat, but only when it would not cause excessive pain and suffering to attempt to do so. *There is a possibility that your pet’s skin will become irritated during the clipping process. We will use a medicated shampoo to help sooth any irritation that may occur.

The matted hair rests tightly against the skin and the only way to remove it is to use a short blade clip between the skin and mats. Your dog may possible get nicked and cut because the groomer has to work so closely to the skin to remove the matted coat. Our groomers are very careful but the possibility of injury exists. Understanding these risks, our salon is authorized to proceed with the shave down process. *Please be sure to schedule a follow up appointment to speak with our groomer for the best methods of maintaining your dog’s coat. *I hereby release the MePetCo and Grooming Staff from any liability associated with the above mentioned process and any and all medical problems that may be uncovered and/or occur during the stripping and de-matting process. *Should my pet need veterinarian care after or during this process, I agree to pay any and all veterinarian fees.


SENIOR PET (pets over the age of ten) AND PETS WITH PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS RELEASE FORM (if applicable) *Your pet is important to us. We want to assure you that every effort will be made to make your senior pet’s experience as pleasant as possible. For senior pets and pets with health problems, grooming procedures can sometimes can be stressful and can expose hidden medical conditions (or aggravate existing ones). Senior pets and pets with health problems also have a greater chance of injury- Therefore, these pets will be groomed for cleanliness and comfort in styles that will not add to their stress. If any minor accident or injury to your elderly or health-compromised pet occurs during their grooming, MePetCo is not responsible.

Client has read and understands the above, and as the owner or agent for the pet described herein agrees not to hold MePetCO responsible for the illness or death of their pet, or for any expenses incurred because of the illness or death of the pet described herein. You understand that pricing is subject to change. I have read, understood and agreed to all of terms and conditions above